Thanks for all the help... Below is a summary of the suggestions I received for dealing with the problems. With regards to using was pointless. Because I am dealing with DEM's, and the nibble works on getting the most frequently appearing neighbor values, nothing really ever happened. However, the response to my question of what to use as a mask grid was that i use the same grid as the no-data values were present. A better option for actually doing some processing to the grid was to derive the mean of all neighbors: [CoastalGrid].IsNull.Con([CoastalGrid].FocalStats(#GRID_STATYPE_MEAN,NbrHood .Make,FALSE), [CoastalGrid]) The problem with using the original grid as the mask was that the area outside the actual area of interest is also no-data so in the end the area of interest/boundary is extended by one cell. However, in the end I realized that i don't really need to do any analysis of the small isolated no-data pockets insofar as doing neighbor analysis or nibble etc. Because in reality these areas fall at sea level, once identified and isolated from the full no-data area outside the DEM's area of interest I forced the values to 0m and merged them back with the original grid. Thanks for all the suggestions and help though. Original Question: I have a question regarding the clean up of a Grid. The problem I have is with small clusters of no-data values being located up inlets, along the coastal area of my grids. They are the result of the grid cells extending slightly beyond the actual coastal boundary used in generating the DEM's. What I would like to do is be able to identify these "pockets" of no data in the original grid and use them as a mask for the nibble request to clean up these small annoying pockets in the DEM. If anyone has any clue how to go about selecting these no data values it would be a great help. Or, alternatively if there are other ideas on how to clean up the coastal areas with other GRID based clean-up options that i'm not familiar with i'd love to hear any suggestions. __________________________________________________ Ryan Preston. GIS Research Technician Teagasc/Compass Informatics 19 Nassau St Dublin 2, Ireland